The first snow of the season is falling tonight. Already the world is transformed from shades of brown and red, to that of white and silver. I find my heart already sighing, longing for the first signs of spring! Those of us who live in the Midwest complain and whine about the cold, snow and ice, longing for this season to be over. We herald the return of the robins and the firt signs of spring. Yet as passionately as we long for spring, how much more should we long for the return of our King. In asmuch as the earth lies under the curse of winter, so this world lies under the curse of separation for our Lord Jesus. Like Narnia, it is always winter, never spring! The early Church prayed frequently: Maranatha! LORD!! Maranatha!! This prayer proclaimed the longing of their hearts, "Lord, come quickly!" May the Church be sick with love for her LORD and not rest content until we are united with Him!! Maranatha!!
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