"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty...
He will shield you with his wings,
He will shelter you with His feathers.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection."
Ps. 91:1,4
I do so love the way the LORD gives us pictures that can help us to understand His ways through nature and in simple sights around us. I looked at the little ducklings and imagine how safe and protected they must feel, hidden in their father's wings. His waterproof feathers keeping them safe and dry in the storms they face. The picture is not only one that speaks of safety and protection, it speaks of great intimacy and love of the parent for their offspring. It reminds me that our God is not far away or indifferent, but desires to draw us close and keep us nestled in the safety of His presence.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem, stating that He longed to gather them as a mother chicken would gather her young under her wings, but they were not willing. I was watching a nature program one day and a father bird and his newly hatched chicks were spread out along the edge of a lake. The father saw a hawk coming and made a piercing call to his young. The babies did not see the danger but immediately responded to the father bird's call. He spread his wings and the babies hid in safety until the danger had passed by. I've always remembered that scene and pray for the sensitivity to His Spirit that I will hear His voice and respond to His call to hide under His wings.
"Keep me as the apple of your eye,
Hide me under the shadow of your wings."
Ps. 17:8