Happy New Year!
This is a perfect day to start a new blog! There is always something special about New Year's Day. We all feel it, don't we? Clean, pure, and unblemished--like the white snow that blankets my yard. New Year's Day is always filled with hope, resolutions and the idea of a fresh start! Several people called to wish Doug and I Happy New Year, adding I hope it is better for you than the last. 2007 was not an easy year for us and the changing of the calendar really does little to change our circumstances, but it still speaks of a fresh beginning.
Having gone through 54 of these "New Year's Day" fresh starts, I am growing wiser or maybe more realistic in understanding that while it is just a date on a calendar it is also perfect time to take stock of where I am, and to set some goals. As the years have progressed I find my goals to be more realistic, and hence, more likely to be accomplished! It is difficult when some of one's goals seem to fall outside of the realm of my control, for example, getting moved depends on our house selling. But lack of control makes one feel helpless, and that is not useful. I need to be responsible for those things that I can do, and then know that ultimately I am not in control. It is all in God's hands. I can make sure the house is in tip top shape, develop some schemes to advertise but I cannot make someone buy our house. Learning to know myself and my weaknesses is very valuable in overcoming them. Too often it is easy to just slide from day to day, but New Year's seems to be the perfect time to take stock, make plans and set goals. Happy New Year!